So easy - anyone can do it - Al Nada

So easy – anyone can do it

spring decorations


Spring is arriving,with its longer days and warmer weather. Nature is waking and getting ready for a new cycle of life, and we’re spending more time outside.

Here’s a suggestion how to use those walks in the park or the forest to make your own table decorations which will bring freshness and the colours of spring into your home.

Whilst strolling, gather some already bloomed branches of forsythia, which you will recognize by its intense yellow colouring. Some branches of weeping willow or of any other plant with blooms or pretty green leaves that catch your eye.

Braid a ring from the branches you brought with you. You can braid multiple branches into a ring for it to appear fuller, you can also combine different branches with each other to form a ring. For example mix a green willow branch with a branch in bloom.

Out of the thick unbraidable branches you can make small bouquets which you can tie up with some string for a more rustique look. Or with satin string for an elegant look. You can even add small extra details like: fake ladybugs, bees, hearts or whatever you feel like would look the best.

Invite some children to make these with you and they will have a good time – guaranteed.

These decorations would find perfect use in the Easter holidays but you can also use them whenever you feel like making a little pleasant surprise for your guests.

If you can, try to find some branches of rosemary which you should find in almost every supermarket if you don’t have some at home, to make these rings. These would be ideal for decorating a picnic or a barbecue of some sort. You could even add the rosemary branches to the grill and give whatever you’re grilling a special and seasonal aroma.

You can also decorate your table with branches, leaves and flowers out of which you can make an ornament. With adding small vases or candles you will achieve a unique and original look for your table.

Pro Tip: If you’re placing branches, flowers or anything similar on the table, make sure to place a layer of plastic wrap underneath your tablecloth to protect the table.


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