1. Find the product you want to order
You can find a large number of products in AlNada online shop. It is necessary to find products that you want to order. All products are sorted by categories so you can find them easily.
2. Add products to cart
Add product to the cart by clicking on the “ADD TO CART” button which you can find in the description of the product. If you want to buy more product, you need to put them in the cart until every product you wanted is there. Certain products which are not on the stock you can order them filling the form in which you will put all the necessary information, after which we will contact you.
3. Order products from the cart
You can find a cart in the top right corner of the website. On the link “Your cart” you can check everything you put there, also you can delete a product from the cart if that wasn’t what you put in there. After changing the products in the cart, just click the “Update Shopping Cart” button to save the changes. When you check that you have all the products you want to buy in your cart, click the “Complete Order”.
4. Payment
If you pay when the product is delivered, there are different methods of payment: cash or checks it depending on the courier service. Customer must pay courier service just in RSD value.
5. Order confirmation
Dubble check information you filled (products, price, your address,…). After clicking on button “Order” your buying will be done.
On the email you entered when you ordered products, you will receive an order confirmation. In this way, you can be sure that the order has been successfully processed and forwarded to us.
6. Delivery
Ordered products courier will bring to you on the address you entered when filling the order.